JavaScript Arrays

Basic Array Operations

Very similar to lists in Python.

To create an array:

let stuff = [42, 56, "hello", 13, true];

To access a value in the array:

let stuff = [42, 56, "hello", 13, true];

console.log(stuff[0]) // 42
console.log(stuff[2]) // "hello"

To add a value at the end of the array:

// stuff now equals [42, 56, "hello", 13, true, "another"]

To remove a value from end of array:

let last = stuff.pop()
// last now equals "another"
// stuff now equals [42, 56, "hello", 13, true]

To add/remove from the front of the array, use unshift("something") and shift() respectively.

Making a Copy of an Array

If you need to make a copy of an array, be aware that assigning the array to a new variable only adds a pointer to the same memory location (this is known as passing by reference). To make this clear, consider the following:

let stuff = [52, 78, "hey"];
let other = stuff;
other[1] = 35;
// now, both other and stuff equal [52, 35, "hey"]

If you want to create a copy of an array that is not pointing to the same memory location, you can create a structured clone of the object:

let stuff = [52, 78, "hey"];
let other = structuredClone(stuff);
other[1] = 35;
// now, other equals [52, 35, "hey"]
// and stuff equals [52, 78, "hey"]

Creating an Array of a Specific Size

Since JavaScript arrays allow you to add/remove values from them easily, it is unusual for you to create an array of a specific size. You can, however, simply create the array, then push a bunch of default values into it. This means your array will never be filled with empty elements (which can save you from undefined errors in your code).

let emptyArray = [];
for (let i=0; i<100; i++) {


Another way of doing this is to call the constructor of the array data type. This creates an empty array (with no values in any of the element locations). You can fill it up with some default values using the .fill() method.

let emptyArray = new Array(100);    // each value is currently empty
emptyArray.fill(0);                 // now every element is a 0

Array Practice Questions

No Looping Required

Looping Required

When you finish the questions listed above, just pick any of the questions from Array-1, Array-2 or Array-3. If you want a few more, check out the AP-1 section (problems sourced from previous AP Computer Science exams).

p5js Array Examples

Terrain Generation

Use Perlin noise. Push values into an array. Draw it.

Basic demo of how to use Perlin noise is here:

Bouncing Balls

Make a bunch of balls move around. Start with an empty array. Push balls into it every time the mouse is clicked. Random sizes, random speeds, random colors. Use object notation for each ball, so it looks something like:

let newBall = {
    x: random(width),
    y: random(height),
    diameter: random(25, 100),
    dx: random(-5, 5),
    dy: random(-5, 5),

Arrays Practice Quiz

To confirm that you understand arrays, you should try the Arrays Practice Quiz.

Next Section - Object Basics