p5.scribble Library

Installing a Library

Since the p5.scribble library is not part of the default template, we will need to download it and link to it in our HTML file. You can download a copy of the library from it’s GitHub repository (click the green Clone or download button, then Download ZIP. Move the p5.scribble.js file into your project folder, so that it is at /js/p5.scribble.js).

Your HTML file might look something like this:

<!doctype html>
    <script src="js/p5.js">
    <script src="js/p5.scribble.js">
    <script src="sketch.js">

Using the Scribble Library

Explore the README of the GitHub repo (just scroll down). We will be using global mode.

Try This

Create a scribbled rectangle. Experiment with drawing the rectangle in setup, then in draw. Experiment with bowing, roughness, maxOffset, color and strokeWeight.

Next Section - p5.dom Library