
Inheritance allows us to create new classes based on existing classes.

Consider the following example (taken from ES6 — classes and inheritance):

Reminder of OOP Class Syntax

class Vehicle {

    constructor (name, type) { = name;
        this.type = type;

    getName () {

    getType () {
        return this.type;

let car = new Vehicle('Tesla', 'car');
console.log(car.getName()); // Tesla
console.log(car.getType()); // car

You can experiment with this using this live p5js sketch.

Inheritance Example

We use extends to inherit from another class and the super keyword to call the parent class. Moreover, getName() method was overridden in subclass Car.

class Vehicle {

    constructor (name, type) { = name;
        this.type = type;

    getName () {

    getType () {
        return this.type;

class Car extends Vehicle {

    constructor (name) {
        super(name, 'car');

    getName () {
        return 'It is a car: ' + super.getName();

let car = new Car('Tesla');
console.log(car.getName()); // It is a car: Tesla
console.log(car.getType()); // car

You can experiment with this using this live p5js sketch.

Visual Example

Create a demo using a Shape class that has simple move and display functions. Next, make a couple child classes (like Circle and Square) that extend the Shape class. They should override the display method from the Shape class. Make a bunch of instances of Circle and Square, then iterate through them in the draw loop using a for…of loop.

It should look something like this live p5js sketch.`

Tutorial Video

Daniel Shiffman does an excellent job of explaining this idea using p5js. Check out his tutorial video here

Next Section - Pair Programming with OOP (Object Oriented Programming)